I was recently inspired by some gorgeous knit headwraps I saw for sale online, so decided to create my own "knit-look" crocheted version. It's so awesome to be able to use this crochet-technique to create a completely convincing knit-look design! Well, I love it anyhow. :) I created a pretty "fascinator" flower to accent it and sewed a metallic button in the middle. It will keep Holland's ears warm as it's getting a little chilly here in New Zealand.
Holland looked at me a bit funny this morning when I was doing a little "happy dance" - but it is a happy day. :) My baby shoe book is now up on Annie's Attic, though not currently in stock. This was my 1st time seeing the cover. A few friends have asked for signed copies already. Can't wait to get a copy myself!
Holland Designs is nearing 5,000 sales. :) I suggested to my husband that we'll need to celebrate this milestone in some way, but then again, it seems we are always celebrating something. Gil just took me out on Saturday night to see Harry Connick Jr. perform live in concert here in Auckland - in celebration of our 3rd wedding anniversary. We really enjoyed the show and how personable & humorous Mr. Connick was!
Late last week I designed these new baby shoes - after someone requested this style. They use a small piece of elastic as a strap. I think it is really nice (and functional) to be able to combine some aspects of fabric shoes with crocheted ones.
I found my favorite crochet hook and enough yarn to design these new ladies slippers today. I have been intending to make these for a while, but hadn't...until I was prompted yesterday by someone requesting the pattern. I'm quite pleased with how the cables turned out in this lovely shade of red.
I haven't posted on my blog in a while because we've been busy moving to our new house. We found a very spacious 3-bdrm house out in a rural setting, just a couple miles from my husband's work. It's so ideal for us and we need the extra space with the new baby on the way. We have a huge backyard and even horses grazing in the field next door. I have a nice walk-in pantry off my kitchen which I am going to use for my craft storage.
We're still unpacking and getting settled in, but I'll be back to designing once I find all my yarn and crochet hooks amid all the boxes. :)