After travelling the world for 5 weeks, we arrived back home safely at 5am Auckland time this past Tuesday morning. How nice it is to be home again after being away so long! Holland is now 7.5 months old and looks around the house as if she's seeing it all for the 1st time. She may have a 'slight feeling' that she's been here before, but isn't quite sure... :)
It's amazing to see how she's developed while we've been away. She is now sitting up by herself for extended periods of time. She cut her 1st tooth while we were in Holland and seems to be working on another one. She enjoyed meeting all her grandparents, aunts & uncles and her cousin...plus many new friends. :)
It was so nice to reopen my Etsy shop! I look forward to getting back to designing in the weeks ahead. At the moment I am still focusing on unpacking and settling back into life here in Auckland. We're still a bit jetlagged and have been going to bed about 5pm and waking up at 3am...so hope to get back to normal soon!

Here are a few photos from our travels...
The 3 of us in Amsterdam...

Holland in her Air New Zealand bassinette...

Delicious Belgian waffles (topped with warm cherries and ice cream) we enjoyed in Mol, Belgium.